NEEDLES needle 328S ball tip various sizes Sewing Machine leather soles
Regular price €8,8010 NEEDLES 328S
214x2 NR SP DDX2 S
This needle has a sharp tip with a lentiform section.
The cut has an inclination of 45° compared
to the direction of the stitching. Result a slightly decorative stitching
inclined to the left. For all types of leather and leather. Suitable for production
of clothing, footwear, bags, handbags, suitcases...
The best needle for decorative stitching.
Minimum purchasable, a pack of 10 needles of the same size
The needles will be supplied according to warehouse availability
in the following brands: SCHMETZ, GROZ BECKERT, ORGAN, LAMMERTZ,
SINGER OR RHEIN NADEL needles all produced in Germany and of top quality.
Rhein Nadel needles will be supplied in sachets or loose according to availability
For use in sewing machines that require
expressly this type of needle
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on copyright law 633/41; presidential decree 19/79; Legislative Decree 154/97