NEEDLES 328R MEASURE fineness 140 for Sewing Machine 214x1 leather soles
Regular price €7,2010 NEEDLES 328R
Round Point
Minimum purchasable, a pack of 10 needles of the same size
The needles will be supplied according to warehouse availability
in the following brands: SCHMETZ, GROZ BECKERT, ORGAN, LAMMERTZ,
SINGER OR RHEIN NADEL needles all produced in Germany and of top quality.
Rhein Nadel needles will be supplied in sachets or loose according to availability
for use in sewing machines
that specifically require this type of needle
for multiple purchases, a single shipping payment is required for the first item and €0.10 for each item
additional up to a maximum of €8.00 with which you can purchase any quantity of items
the photos contained in this site are of our production and therefore our exclusive property and therefore
are protected by copyright law 633/41; presidential decree 19/79; Legislative Decree 154/97